Triple T Spa in California

5 star(s) from 1 votes


Massage Therapy, Facial , Waxing ,Sauna ,Body Scrub, therapist, therapeutic service, massage services, eyelashes extension


Triple T Spa is located in 1030 Piedmont Rd Ste A, San Jose, CA, 95132

Contact Information

  • 1030 Piedmont Rd Ste A, San Jose, CA, 95132
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 Thanks to Triple T Spa, 10-20-2023 02:18AM

By: charllie

I've suffered from debilitating migraines for years, and finding relief has been an exhausting journey. But my experience at this Massage Therapy practice has been nothing short of miraculous. After just a few sessions, my migraines significantly reduced in frequency and intensity. The skilled therapists at Triple T Spa not only alleviated my pain but also addressed the underlying causes.

I've tried biomagnetism therapy in the past when I was trying to treat a debilitating health condition.The magnets used in Biomagnetism started to make a difference very soon. I could feel the positive effects after each session. Soon I was completely cured. Biomagnetism works by balancing the body's energy, which kills all the harmful bacteria living inside the body .This improves the immune system and the ailment can be healed from the very root cause .

If as a practitioner you're looking for a holistic approach to healing, I highly recommend combining Massage Therapy with Biomagnetism. Don't hesitate to explore the synergy of these therapies - it can be life - changing for your patients . To know more visit