HTMLPanda Reviews

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5 of 5 from 2 reviews.

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 PSD to HTML conversion for Creads, 02-06-2023 12:30AM

By: Jason

We wanted to make a website for presenting our services online. So, we partnered with HTMLPanda to convert our PSD design into a website.

We appreciate their diligent approach to tasks and their commitment to meeting client requirements. They excel in every aspect, from comprehending needs to delivering the project successfully. The website has helped us to become the leading online French content creation platform.

Good work, team.

 WordPress Development for Iconic Solutions - An app development firm, 06-14-2022 07:00AM

By: nick

We chose HTMLPanda to transform our website into WordPress after a lot of research and decided to finalize them after considering their client satisfaction on websites like Clutch, Goodfirms, and others.

They did a great job with our project and provided us with a great solution as per the expectations. Now, we are also one of their happy clients. We are excited to partner with them for our next project.

Great Experience With You Guys!